Monday, March 26, 2007

Video on ASP.NET Databinding

This video from Dan Wahlin is a really good tutorial of a master-detail view. The trick is to use "DetailsView1$dd" as the ControlID in the ControlParameter when updating or inserting. It's not very intuitive and it looks like a hack but it seems to work. I've mentioned my troubles with code-free databinding; hopefully this will set me straight.


Eyal Maaravi said...


Loved your video tutorial.
BTW, why don't you post a link to them at SuTree?
It's a social bookmarking site for free video lessons & tutorials, and it will bring visitors to your tutorial(s).

Best of luck,

Dan Goldstein said...

SuTree wants me to install the Hebrew language pack for every page even though the site seems to be in English. There are also no videos under the ASP.NET or ASP.NET Ajax categories.

It's also not my tutorial. I'll modify the post to make that clear.